Shape memory alloys (SMA) offer you an infinite number of possibilities in industrial use: As diverse as your industry may be – you will find that your possibilities using shape memory alloys are just as diverse. Get in touch with us today to talk about your future plans.
The ideal way to use SMA in industry
Each of your industrial applications has its own special requirements. If you are concerned about temperature-induced regulation, then passive shape memory alloys may be of particular interest to you. Or would you prefer to carry out active switching operations or controlled adjustment of mechanical movement or changing properties? Actively controlled shape memory alloys are particularly suitable for this. In power plant technology, in mechanical and plant engineering and in robotics, whether as a structural component, as an actuation element or as a functional coating: shape memory alloys can help you progress further.
Passive shape memory alloys are particularly suitable where switching operations are to take place at a predetermined temperature level. In large-scale industrial applications, for example, shape memory alloys provide failsafe devices in power plant systems: based on a predetermined temperature level at which the cooling circuit reaches a critical operating condition, thus preventing the system from overheating and saving energy at the same time.
Likewise, cooling circuits in data centres can be regulated in an energy-efficient manner, just like in electric vehicles or in cars with combustion engines. What would you like to protect from an excessively high or low temperature? However, actively controlled shape memory solutions are also used by customers in many other areas: In this instance, the shape change is activated by means of heat using electric currents.
And if required, the appropriately programmed controls are also available on request. Other areas where our industrial customers use shape memory alloys include functional coating, in particular in order to reduce vibrations, compensate thermal clearance, optimize surfaces or simply to protect against wear and tear. Where do you see your opportunity to improve your product?
Experience teaches us: It is only together with our customers that we can create the ideal solution based on shape memory alloys. You as a prospective customer and potential client know your requirements down to the smallest detail. You can pinpoint operating points, forces and ambient temperatures as well as the special features of your application. And in accordance with your individual requirements do we design our shape memory alloys. Each and every solution is unique.

High-tech off the peg?
Once designed, we are able to mass produce your individual solution. This is because Ingpuls is the only shape memory alloy provider in the world with a one-stop shop where you can get your entire solution from a single source. This way, you will receive ready-made solutions instead of individual components saving you time and money.Working with us, you can take advantage of our unique expertise as a development service provider for shape memory alloys but you can also benefit in several ways from the exchange of know-how: from the latest material developments in shape memory alloy research due to our proximity to the Ruhr University Bochum; from our automotive certification and the structured execution of development projects; our flexibility paired with full cost control; and from our position at the forefront of shape memory alloy applications. Now, it is entirely up to you in which area you want to benefit from the use of shape memory alloys. Are you looking for intelligent actuation drives or switching units? Do you want to regulate media flows? Are you interested in coatings optimized against vibration and wear and tear?
Many of our industrial partners only learnt by working with us at Ingpuls how solenoid valves can easily be replaced by shape memory alloys. Especially where actuators are installed, the use of shape memory alloys allows functional integration to be realized at the same time. This not only saves costs, but also ensures reliability for long-lasting use. Other customers have found that
they can avoid complicated and labour-intensive maintenance of fire protection systems by using SMA solutions thus saving costs too. But shape memory alloys don’t just work where it’s hot: a majority of applications concern areas where large solutions have been used for small problems: Adjustment units with small strokes where pneumatics are used; latching
mechanisms designed with electric motors and require permanent power; closures that need to function more quietly; actuation drives and switching devices that can only be activated with complex control mechanisms.
You are the only one who knows your product and your customers’ needs best as well as your own current and future requirements. Let’s get together and find out how you could save time and costs whilst offering innovative shape memory alloy solutions – SMA really comes into its own in industrial application. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us today!