
Even though we’ve been around for a few years: We still see ourselves as part of the local start-up scene. Of course we cross Bochum’s city limits in that context to network with the start-up family in the entire Ruhr area. That is how we contribute to shaping the changes in the entire region. Building on our experience, we would like to support other start-ups to reach their goals and to tackle problems together. This happens in a very relaxed dialogue in a laid-back atmosphere. We intensively exchange
information and ideas with the various start-up networks and out network-partners in the region, but also host our own network meetings. We are particular happy about start-ups who see themselves as B2B providers in industrial tech. At regular intervals, we discuss business issues in the first years after foundation or growth as well as internationalisation in the mature phase.
The goal goes beyond simply starting a conversation, but also to discuss problem solutions and best practices in the start-up context. Often one of the participants starts it all with a stimulating speech.We conduct these network meetings, called Network-Meeting, with selected companies. Does that sound interesting to you? Do you think you might able to expand your horizon and knowledge in the area of founding a business and business at large? Then feel free to contact us about joining in!In addition to our customers, we have other important interest groups surrounding ingpuls – these are also part of our network:
Location Bochum

As a start-up, it is not without reason that we set our ‘anchor’ at the Bochum site. Everything that we define as factors for success come together here. We seamlessly build on the values of the old Ruhr area and are developing the new world on this stable foundation.
Source of Knowledge and Research Site: The foundation stone for our SMA know-how was laid at the Ruhr University in Bochum. We continue to be connected to it – through lectures, by recruiting young talent and scientific dialogue.
Communication: The dialect of the Ruhr area helps to foster honest communication and to address problems. Our customers also appreciate this openness!
Do it: We master challenges with a real “do it” mentality. We place people at the centre of all things, regardless of their origin. Because Germany’s original economic miracle was based on that mentality.
‘Turning old into better’: That is what we build on: Instead of steel, we introduce knowledge-based, high technology to the markets in the shape of SMA. This is ‘coal and steel’ on a new, high-tech level.
We see our commitment to Bochum also as an obligation. As a local business, we support each other: Preferably, we engage local service providers and specifically look for local cooperations to strengthen the local know-how. To this end, we are also in close contact with Bochum’s economic development and the respective equivalents in neighbouring cities. By taking this approach, we not only invest in a strong cohesion of local and regional companies: We also create a platform to meet new people and make new friends.
Volunteer Work

We support local and regional projects. In that context, we place great value on volunteer work. By acting responsibly, we want to decisively strengthen and motivate the next generation of leaders in society. This is why we also support our employees in their wishes to do volunteer work. But we are also active as a company. For example, a fundraising campaign by the workforce and management allowed disadvantaged children to take part in a children’s theatre. The production brought the subject of mining and structural change in the Ruhr area to life.
Furthermore, our management is represented on the judges panel of the Bochum start-up competition ‘Senkrechtstarter’. By participating in events such as the Summer School Career, we contribute to raising interest in MINT professions. At the IHK Mittleres Ruhrgebiet we are also intensively involved in the discussion surrounding current challenges, also in our role on an advisory board.
We also regularly take part in local talks and discussion groups: be it a TEDx talk, technology roundtables or lectures at events.
Our own interest is not our only motivation to pursue these and other activities. We are interested in giving something back to the people in our region and our location – something from the things that made us who we are today!
Would you like to contact us about one of these topics? Then simply get in touch!
Research Facilities

Ingpuls is a spin-off of the Institute for Materials of the Ruhr-University Bochum. The spin-off took place in 2009. Based on our history, we have always been closely connected with the Ruhr University Bochum and other research institutions, and still are today.
We are deeply rooted in materials science and especially in research on nickel-titanium shape memory alloys. We work together with national and international universities and research institutions, in particular bilateral projects, research networks and EU research projects. The research cooperations help us to further develop our SMA technology. Our goal is to use SMA wherever we can promote solutions to the challenges that humanity is facing.
As a rule, this involves the conservation of resources, sustainability, increasing the quality of life or economic efficiency. Our vision is to use SMA as a cross-sectional technology in precisely these areas.Do you have an interesting research topic? Then don’t hesitate to get in touch!
We see our collaboration with our customers as cooperation – we attach great importance to this. Many of our customers come into contact with our SMA technology for the first time. Other customers seek new SMA partners because, in the past, they were not always satisfied with their partners. In this process, considerably more parameters than usual must be taken into account – we support this from the design to the simulation of our solution in the installed condition. This then creates the foundation for working together further. But we also engage in cooperation beyond that. The great potential
for applications across industries can ideally be realised together with long-established companies. These can not only complement our expertise at a suitable point along the value chain. They also have specific market knowledge and market access developed over many years. This creates direct market access to the end customer and helps our SMA technology achieve a faster time-to-market. So we pursue a strategic approach through these cooperations. We strive for cooperation with customers or other partners in the value chain in all
markets. The more we pursue our vision and related activities, the more customers and potential partners recognise the technological potential of SMA in their specific field. This results in a number of trusting partnerships and customer cooperations, which we continue to strengthen.
Would you like to speak to us about an area you would like to cooperate on? Then don’t hesitate to get in touch!