Donation for the Fliednerhaus homeless shelter

Donation for the Fliednerhaus homeless shelter


Ingpuls donates fresh clothes to homeless people in Bochum

As at the end of 2018, Ingpuls and its employees once again collected donations at the end of 2019 instead of sending Christmas cards to customers, friends and business partners. The employees had the opportunity to suggest their own heartfelt projects for the company’s internal survey. Every Ingpuls employee was allowed to participate in this survey and was thus involved in the decision-making process as to which

project should be supported with the help of the collected donations. The “Fliednerhaus” homeless shelter run by the Diakonie Ruhr was voted our employees’ favorite project of 2019 with a result of 34,62 % the following institutions/projects were also up for selection:

  • MenschensKinder-Bochum e.V.
  • Stiftung Kinderzentrum Ruhrgebiet
  • Stiftung Auszeit
  • “E57” vom IFAK e.V. – Verein für multikulturelle Kinder- u. Jugendhilfe – Migrationsarbeit
  • “1000 Kinder sehen und hören” von Round Table Deutschland
  • “Auf die Bühne, fertig, los!“ vom St. Vinzenz e.V. und dem Theater Löwenherz

After the vote, the internal call for donations was finally made and we are proud that the employees were again very committed. After consultation with Ms. Caldow (head of livelihood and homeless assistance at Diakonie Ruhr), the donation amount of 450 euros was invested in new clothing and cosmetic items. The handover of this donation in kind was done by Tanja Reichenberg (Finanzen & Controlling) and Felix Manhart (Marketing & Communication) on the Ingpuls side, Mrs. Caldow and Mr. Trockel (Corporate Communications) accepted the donations in kind as representatives of the Diakonie Ruhr with thanks, Mrs. Caldow added:

“We can put this to good use, thank you very much! We would be happy to invite your entire team to take another closer look at our facility and get to know our expanded counselling services”
