As mentor of the competition, science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar awarded us the winner in the category up to 50 employees.
Ingpuls reaches 1st place in the TOP-100 competition:
On 28 June 2019, Germany’s most innovative companies were honored for the 25th time and awarded prizes in the “Jahrhunderthalle” in Frankfurt. According to the jury’s verdict, we as Ingpuls are the most innovative company in Germany in our category. As mentor of the competition, science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar awarded us as the winner in the category up to 50 employees.This year, 398 manufacturing and service companies took part in the TOP-100 competition.
The evaluation was then carried out independently and based on a scientific system. We came out on top in a total of 120 parameters and test criteria. This encourages us to continue our chosen path and to meet the demand for our intelligent SMA-based solutions across all industries: With innovative technology and fast development processes, we feel particularly addressed by Ranga Yogeshwar’s words addressed to the TOP 100 companies:
“Openness to new things, the tolerance of mistakes, the constant endeavor to do things in a new and different way – these are the characteristics of a good culture of innovation. A culture that is lived in the medium-sized companies that we honor with TOP 100. These are outstanding SMEs whose spirit of innovation has become part of their DNA. They are far-sighted and hands-on entrepreneurs who put innovation first every day.””A promising technology start-up that has succeeded in bringing a technology that has been known for decades into industrial application.”
We are honored to have achieved first place in our category as “Innovator of the Year”. Partners of the competition are the Manager Magazin, the entrepreneur portal Impulse, the Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft BVMW, and the insurance company W&V. The top-class jury consisted of investor Frank Thelen, management consultant Prof. Dr. Roland Berger, top manager Prof. Dr. Utz Claassen, the presidents of the Federal Association of German Medium-Sized Businesses (Mario Ohoven) and the Fraunhofer Society (Prof. Dr. Reimund Neugebauer) as well as politicians (Dr. Gregor Gysi, Dr. Sahra Wagenknecht, Cem Özdemir).Their judgement confirms that the development of our company is on the right track. Because we were able to achieve top results in all criteria:
- Top management that promotes innovation
- Innovation climate
- Innovative processes and organization
- External orientation/open innovation
According to the jury’s verdict, we were able to prevail as the winner in particular due to our innovative strength:
“The founders and their staff have succeeded in an impressive way in introducing SMA technology, which until recently had only been used in medical technology, into new, attractive areas of application.“
TOP 100 writes: „An outstanding feature of the company and its innovation activity is its remarkable solution competence in three respects: both in terms of the degree of innovation of the products and with regard to the internal processes as well as in the company structure and organizational development”.Special attention was also paid to the fact that “after receiving the first major order from the automotive industry, [we] were able to deliver within a few months, even though at the time the order was received only prototypes had been produced in the university laboratory and a production facility for series production first had to be built, set up and financed”. It was only because we managed to set up this production “from scratch” that the automotive industry was able to benefit from our technology in shape memory alloys.TOP 100: „The first […] market is […] the automotive industry. There, the springs developed by Ingpuls are used as combined actuators and sensors. Compared to previous technical solutions, the products are cheaper (-30 per cent cost) and lighter (-90 per cent weight).“Our customers in other industries are already benefiting from these and similar advantages today. Because what we, as an established supplier in the automotive industry, have put on the road millions of times and continue to expand, also offers our customers advantages elsewhere. Working out their benefits (costs, weight, installation space, functional integration and much more) is our daily business: with 48 employees, we develop and produce customer-specific alloys and components from shape memory alloys (SMA).More info here: